Culture Lifestyle

WTF is a Brain Dump Journal

Some days I feel like I have a million ideas in my head and get too overwhelmed to do anything about them. So I end up scrolling on Instagram or Tumblr until *pop*… Make that a million and one ideas… Over the past few…

December 28, 2017

Happy Holidays!

Hope you have a stellar holiday season and Happy New Years! I’ll see you all in 2018! ?…

December 24, 2017
Culture Lifestyle

A Lil’ Room Tour

**Post inspired by Printiki** I don’t know about you but I definitely have a little nosey streak. I lovvvvve seeing random posts about what people keep in their bags or what their rooms look like. Posts like that tend to be pretty personal and…

December 20, 2017
Culture Lifestyle Slider

Getting a Whiff of Essential Oils

For the longest time, anything with the word oil in it was something bad and to be avoided at all costs. But then essential oils came along. If you’ve been anywhere near the internet recently (ha), chances are you’ve seen at least one use…

December 14, 2017
Beauty Lifestyle

Do I Look Like A Blogger Yet?

So there have been some big changes happening in my life recently. Okay, maybe just one big change. But it was a two week long process and I learned a lot. That’s right. I did it….. I went from brunette to blue.? I’ve wanted…

November 14, 2017
Fitness Lifestyle Tips

The Final Verdict on Beer and Man Boobs

Man boobs. Moobs. They’re a real problem facing thousands of men that are trying to find exercises to lose man breasts. You might have seen some internet articles going around proclaiming the dangers of beer (specifically IPAs) and the creation of man boobs. Man…

September 13, 2017
Airports Travel

Travel Tech

Aaaaand we’re back! Sorry for the disruption. I was suddenly whisked away to Berlin for an impromptu week long trip. Tough life right? Anywho. My sudden packing (and unpacking) got me thinking about my go-to tech for travel. Obviously, converters and headphones are a…

September 11, 2017
Fitness Tips

Make your Workout Drama Free

  Today’s post might go a little TMI but what fun is a blog without some taboo? Let’s chat about staying comfortable while working out. Staying comfortable undergarment-wise. Of course, that bridesmaid dress code will vary a bit from workout to workout (ie. pole…

August 21, 2017
Culture Fitness Lifestyle Tips

Secret Sleep Saboteurs

I just landed back in the UK and let me tell you… The jet lag is real. Something about going forward in time zones just wrecks my sleep cycle. Of course, there are a million posts and articles out there about what to do…

August 14, 2017